William Bradley of HuffPo Thinks Palin is an Intellectual Lightweight

Does anyone at Huffington Post have anything better to do than figure out a new angle of insults against Sarah Palin? I keep discovering more posts at HuffPo that do their very best at dismissing this woman. The harder they try the more popular she gets. It’s really getting funny. It’s embarrassing and rather pathetic. Here is Bradley giving it his best:

But Palin? I’d scouted her, which amounted to watching a few hours of video footage of her and reading some articles, and she was clearly a totally unqualified, and very vain, intellectual lightweight. And that was being kind. Compared to Palin, George W. Bush belonged on Mount Rushmore.

See, the elites really don’t get it. The reason palin is so popular is because she is like every other person that is not Ivy League educated. She’s like the mom down the street that took 5 years and two schools to graduate. The dad that only knows the government is too big and the debt is too large, so what can we do about it? Average people. She resonates with us. The more she gets hammered the more popular she gets.

These liberal blog writers are crazy if they think their arrogance and smug insults toward Plain is going to matter. It’s all background noise. It’s a humorous diversion. The 1.6 and counting people that bought her book and the people that are coming out in the hundreds if not thousands to see her at book signings really don’t care. The largest audience in two years watched her on Oprah Monday. The libtards have no voice and influence over the phenom that is Palin. Scary as shit for them apparently because they just can’t keep from talking about her.

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